Audio tour

Audio tour LA Historic Waterfront Family Friendly Ride

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2 sights

  1. Audio tour Summary
  2. Audio tour Summary

    A quick tour of the historic sites of the LA Harbor region, particularly along the LA Harbor Waterfront. A family friendly 11 miles with relatively mild hills and lots of great museum stops for children to explore.

  3. 1 Cabrillo Marine Aquarium
  4. 2 Cabrillo Pier
  5. 3 S.S. Lane Victory
  6. 4 American Merchant Marine Veterans Memorial
  7. 5 Battleship USS Iowa Museum
  1. Audio tour Summary

    A quick tour of the historic sites of the LA Harbor region, particularly along the LA Harbor Waterfront. A family friendly 11 miles with relatively mild hills and lots of great museum stops for children to explore.


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